Do our struggles point to our breakthroughs?
Without fail - I’ve seen the hard stuff, the deep struggles, the sticky points in my life and my clients lives lead directly to the next level of healing & breakthrough…
Mama, It's Time to Heal Your Past…
Maybe you can relate to my story?
I knew I had been through really hard things in my childhood and formative years, but I thought I could just “do things differently” when I became a parent myself...
Can you remember what makes you feel alive?
I bought this perfume recently from someone on Facebook marketplace.
I knew I had loved this scent a long time ago, and I’m in a season of remembering what I love and of coming alive again after a long season of pain…
Are you craving peace??
Let’s normalize “peaceful” being the new “wealthy”!!
Having a PEACEFUL life is what we truly crave.
Will I ever belong there??
Do you ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in?
Like you’re yearning to be seen and accepted, but for some reason, it’s just not happening?
You Are NOT Powerless!
A huge part of healing from tr@uma is moving from victim to victor in your own story.
It takes time and effort to uncover the fact that YOU have POWER to make choices that affect your situation…
There’s Nothing Wrong With You
Have you considered that perhaps there’s nothing wrong with you?
Maybe that feeling of not belonging, of being “wrong,” is actually leading you…
Is It Safe to Be Seen?
Every human being has an innate need to be seen.
Maybe your story is a bit like mine, and from the beginning of your life you had this desire to be seen, so along the way you did whatever you could to get that need filled…
Love is spelled S-A-F-E
What did your nervous system learn about love when you were a child?
Was it spelled p-e-r-f-o-m-a-n-c-e? P-o-w-e-r? P-a-i-n?…
It Starts with a Decision...
There’s a point at which you have to decide that you’re going to do the work to get to the place where what other people assume about you or think about you or say about you doesn’t affect the way that YOU perceive you…
How to Keep Hoping When the Holidays Feel Hard...
It feels like so much of the world is heavy right now, doesn’t it?
I know I have felt it. But inevitably, every year around this time I hear a Christmas hymn or see “glory to God in the highest” on a holiday banner, and I get choked up, remembering how Hope Himself came to us as a tiny baby, and the life He lived and the sacrifice He made because He LOVES us…
You Must Be So Tired…
You must be so tired, love.
A lifetime is a long time to try to work to prove your worth. You should have never felt like that was necessary for safety, for love, for acceptance. I know you’re hardwired for hard work as a result, and nothing ever seems quite good enough. I know. I get it. It makes sense. But you don’t have to live like that, okay? Right now, if you must work hard, maybe you can work hard on rest, on being kind to yourself, and on leaning into the actual longings and desires of your own soul…
Do You Believe in Unconditional Love?
I grew up learning that love was earned.
I spent every day working very hard to get scraps of love. I didn’t know that was not what love was supposed to be. So when I grew up, that’s how I knew how to get my needs met: by being hyper-aware of what the people around me wanted and give it to them so that maybe I could be loved.
And for a lifetime I thought only the deserving found love, and that I was undeserving…
Do You Remember Who You Really Are?
“Gabi, you do not belong in that space.”
“Gabi, who do you think you are? Stop going for things that are too big for you.”
“Gabi, you need to stop talking.”
“Gabi, your feelings are too big. There’s something wrong with you.”
“Gabi, know your place. Go away.”
Have you ever gotten messages like this? Have those messages been internalized to the point that it starts being your own voice saying them? …
Tár, the Truth About Narcissism, and Why it’s so Important to Heal
I went to see the movie Tár yesterday, mostly because…hello - CATE BLANCHETT!!
Honestly, it’s VERY artsy. They rolled the credits first just to make you squirm kind of artsy. And the whole film was really just like looking into someone’s life uninvited and happening upon their conversations and situations. Everything was left up to the audience to interpret. But it was kind of magnificent and stomach roiling because of it…
It’s all FREE!
With Him, there’s nothing to buy.
The grace of God is FREE...
The Love of Christ is FREE... The comfort of the Father is FREE... We do not have to perform up to a certain standard to receive ANY of this. We don’t have to be something we’re not in order to be accepted by Him.
The Thing About Dreams
They almost never turn out like you’d expect.
Here’s the thing about dreams...
They almost never turn out like you expect. They almost always take longer to transpire than you would like. Nearly every dream takes detours that will blindside you.
YOU are the Magic!
The secret sauce of your dreams is...YOU!
YOU are the magic!
We spend so much time trying to fit into a box or wishing our unique stories away or striving to become something we’re not because we believe deep down that we are not enough! But you ARE.