Gabrielle Kelley Gabrielle Kelley

Please darling, don't give up on your dreams...

Please, darling…
Don’t give up on your dreams.💛

I needed this reminder today, and thought maybe you did too. Life can have this way of knocking you sideways that makes you feel like you will never get back on track. So you start to squash the dreams. You put them in a box because hoping is too painful. You start to even forget what you’re passionate about because the world around you has lost its color and feels grey.

But honey - you are still you. You are still the girl with the dreams. You are still the one who lights up with fire and passion when those things you believe in are at stake. You still have those beautiful gifts humming and thrumming inside of you waiting to be used and released…

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Gabrielle Kelley Gabrielle Kelley

Becoming Yourself After Trauma

What are you doing today to invest in the future that you want to have? How are you balancing that with maintaining a life right now that you are happy to live?

These kinds of questions have been swirling around my brain a lot. An interesting thing starts to happen when you really begin to dig into your inner healing - you start to realize there are pieces of you that have existed your whole life as a safety or a protection mechanism, and those pieces of you may not actually be a part of who you truly are or who you want to be…

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